It’s a block!

The other day I wanted to get back into my sewing. It’s been a while and I figured I could take advantage of a good nap from the baby and whip out a blanket. I looked through my stick pile of fabric and decided on a Minecraft theme.

The husband and I used to play a lot of the game. It’s still fun to play every once and a while to relax after the baby goes to bed. I should have known that he would want to keep it for the baby after I showed it to him. My good intentions of selling it lasted all of 3 hours until he got home.


The next day I still had the sewing bug, so I decided to try something I haven’t made before. I worked while the baby napped and then played in his high chair next to me. I ended up doing a passable grass block from Minecraft to go along with the blanket.



I wouldn’t feel comfortable trying to sell something like this yet, since my technique was not quite perfect, but maybe one day. The stuffing also isn’t sitting exactly how I want it at the moment. I hope to practice on more blocks from the game soon. (No more minky fabric though. Its’ elasticity makes it too difficult to make all of the sides even.) I even want to branch out into other stuffed toys in the near future.

Any ideas for what I should try? I would love to hear what different kids would like to have decorating their rooms!

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